Chasing The Ride...
Friday, 5. April 2002

I love politics

I am not kidding, I really love politics. Recent events in Germany have made me appreciate politics even more and I realized that voting is just a wonderful invention. Democracy rules; by the people, for the people. It's neat that a simple phrase can give the people the idea that they actually have influence.

When voting came into fashion in Europe, around the time of the French revolution (when the people realized that if they chop off the head of the King they can have a big party later on) it had many restrictions. Only the upper class could vote, women weren't allowed and so forth. They partly justified this with saying the lower classes or women aren't educated enough to make a sensible vote.

Things have quite changed now though and we don't have this problem anymore. Even the people with no or little education can cast their vote, because there is no way to make a sensible vote anyway anymore. It's like going to a restaurent that features seafood and you don't like seafood. It doesn't matter what you order, you won't like it anyway.

The time before a major election is always the funnest. The candidates do silly things such as dressing up like total maroons just to appeal to a certain group of people. They talk about how much money they will give you when they get elected and how little money they will take from you. They shake your hand and smile at you and sometimes they give you candy. I especially like that part because I like candy.

Then, after the election is over everything is as it has always been. The people with lots of money get more and more of it. Sometimes unemployment goes up, sometimes it goes down. It would be naive to think that politicians had anything to do with those trends. What they do is visit forgein countries and sip champagne with other world leaders. Then they give a little press conference where they tell the media about their talks, when really all they did was play Monopoly or brag about the new car they just bought.

Yes, politics pissed me off majorly yesterday. It gets worse and worse every day. Recently a politician was shot in Italy, because he supported to take away certain rights from workers that they felt were quite needed. I don't support such acts, but I can understand them. How else can you do something today? With voting? Yeah right!

A couple of weeks ago the "Holzmann" company went bankrupt in Germany, and no one did anything about it but they sure talked a lot about it. Politicians love to talk and they are good at it too. Then this week "Herlitz", a company manufacturing office supplies, went bankrupt too and again politicians talked about it. Yesterday the "Kirch Group" announced they are bankrupt and suddenly politicians say they want to spend tax money on them to keep them alive. Makes you wonder, huh?

Well, let me give you a little insight on the "Kirch Group". Founded by Leo Kirch a few years ago Kirch went to many banks and told them he will make a gazillion Euros of profit in the near future if they only lend him a couple of gazillion Euros for a while. The banks loved that idea and gave him the money. Now Kirch didn't make money but lost more and more. He sponsored the German Soccer League with millions and now he is broke and the German Soccer League is affraid they'll get broke too without his money. German politicians think it is fair to preserve the Kirch Group and save soccer. clap clap to you gentleman, you are the nicest. I mean, we only have 4 million unemployed people, tons of young men and women sitting at home with no job training and taxes that make familes living on the verge of poverty. We need soccer, of course, and afterall, if the league has less money, maybe some of the stars will only get 3 Million a year instead of 7 Million. This would be a dreadful development, of course, oh so dreadful. I can already see some of those players not being able to buy a new Ferrari, but maybe just a BMW 7. Those poor people.

Yes, I love politics. By the people, for the people...



Thursday, 4. April 2002

Got Gas (-oline)?

I went to the bank today before I went into work. I decided to just get all the money I would need within the next week. I want to send some of my personal items to the US (€ 60) and I need to get gas (€ 50). Driving by the gas station with the red light on already, telling me I better get gas soon, I was glad I got more than just the € 110 I calculated earlier. Gas is so outrageously expensive lately! € 1.08 for a Liter! I will end up paying € 55 then, which is a good $50! I can already see people driving up to gas stations, jumping out of the car, holding a gun to the head of the owner while filling up the tank, and racing away with a burnout. A voice inside of me tells me that seeing this happen will simply be...priceless.



Wednesday, 3. April 2002

A Welcome Note...

I've never really been interested in writing diaries. I tried once when I was younger, like maybe 12 or around that age, but I think I didn't get beyond 2 entries. Looking back at that I seem to be the last person interested in having a weblog! But then here I go...

I guess sometimes I just feel like writing. I thought about starting with diaries but didn't find much sense in doing that. What you do is keep them in a secret place and write in them. It is good to get things off your chest you don't want to talk to people about, but I suppose I am searching for something else then. I am not quite sure myself where this will all be headed. The urge to write might simply be there because I see major changes in my life coming up. I will be moving to the US soon to study there, but also for very personal reasons. I am very excited for that, but sometimes also scared at the same time. However, all things that make life really worth the ride are scary in some ways. I am sure when Galileo realized what he had discovered, he was close to a major heart attack. That sounds pretty scary to me.

Anyway, more is to come later. For now I want to make this place a little homey.



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